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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My butt muscles and my hamstrings are super tight! Stupid gym work. Thank goodness we've changed programme so we're not doing burpees (sp?!) anymore. Phew.

Finished my math exam. Got back my results already. Perfect score! It was a unit standard, sadly. So that means you either pass or not pass. Well obviously I passed. Surprisingly a lot of people in my class failed and they have to take a reassessment this Friday O_o Lawl. I took a number test today. It was harder than I expected and I nearly couldn't finish my paper. But I'm quite confident that I'd do well. Or at least I hope :/

My history project is still not exactly going anywhere. It's so hard to find appropriate evidence that I need, especially PRIMARY resources. Urgh. Must hang on in there. Bah. I even need to make a trip down to the Auckland Museum soon. If you know me well, usually I would never go to that extent to do a history project (or any other project for that matter) but for this project, it's absolutely necessary because the assignment requires us to do research on people who died more than 10 years ago -.- And they're not exactly famous -.- Pfft.

60% left on my sis's laptop battery. I better wrap this up. Anyway I don't feel like spending anymore time on my history project. My investigations internal went well today. My partner and I are off to a good start. We have 2 more periods to carry out our experiment(s) and record our results before we have to do our individual work of writing a report and evaluating our experiment(s). Mmhmm.

I realised I made a mistake in my previous post, I think. I'm going for my Winter Meet at Hamilton in 11-13 JULY not June. Haha. I can't wait to get out of town this weekend. I think training's gonna be tougher over at Hamilton during the camp but ohwell. Uh, we're gonna have 5 training sessions over the weekend and 2 of them are diving lessons! IT'S DAMN COOL I actually get to learn how to dive from up up upppp there :D

Okay, shall end off here. Just wanna inform all of you that my Singapore phone number has already been terminated, so please don't send any messages to that number! :P If you wanna contact me, you can email me or sms my NZ number. That is, if you know it. Yup.

Tag replies!
Justin: HAHA nah I don't think I'll be able to pull that off, cause how much more different can I look? Not much. Haha. I'm looking forward to scaring everyone in RW too! :D

Mariechong: Aww, don't feel small! I feel small in all of my classes cause I'm always the youngest ):< And alot of my friends can already drive but I can't yet! Boohoo.

Nurul: GASP! How could you get sick of cheese! I can never get sick of cheese (though sometimes I think it's better if I were XD) and YAY ARCHULETA <3 But yeah you WERE kinda cheesy :P

Amandatoh: Hahah no.. I wore my first knee length costume when I was p4, then after that I have never worn them again.. I plan to get one again sometime soon though (:

Amandayim: HARLOW! :D

Rachelyu: Yeah he is! But I think he mighttttt be better than Daughtry, because David Cook WON. And Chris Daughtry didn't. Hahah (:

Aliciafong: I KNOW IT'S DARN SLOW! I know what's going to happen. Jason's gonna be out, then Syesha, then David Cook wins -.- But I guess I wanna know HOW things happen so I guess that keeps me watching it. Though it kills the excitement :/ And no, David Archuleta sooooo does not look like he's trying too hard! Even if he did, it's just because David Cook looks like he doesn't NEED to try at all. (Aka OVER-CONFIDENT!!!) LOL.

Cailyn: HOORAY ANOTHER ARCHULETA FAN! HAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE DAVID COOK WON HIM BY LIKE 12 MILLION VOTES IT'S JUST SO UNFAIR! The results just don't reflect what he's capable of ):< (Quoted Mr Lau cause that's sorta what he wrote in my report -.-)

Yay I'm done with my post. And oh yes, I'll be moving to Xanga in a few days' time so people, BE PREPARED TO RELINK ME.

That's all for now. Goodbye!



A penny for your thoughts
But a dollar for your insights

Or, a fortune for your disaster