Chinese oral was kinda funny today.
The passage was this quite hard thingy, and there were alottttttt of words that I had absolutely no idea how to read, so I just guessed how to read it, and unfortunately it didn't work out so well.
There was this word, pronounced as chou3 lou4. I knew how to read the chou3 but not the lou4.
So being
the superduper ultraultimate sucker at chinese me, I didn't bother trying to guess how to read lou4.
Because I knew that if I anyhow guessed how to read it, I'd just be embarrassing myself if I got it wrong.
In fact, I initially decided to take the gamble and pronounce as some other funny word. Heh. Thank God I didn't.
So, in the end I decided to might as well skip the word
since there was only one word I didn't know how to read and it was the word lou4. So yup. I continued scanning through the passage while waiting for my turn.
30 seconds later, in the
next line, I saw the word chou3 lou4 again. And I was like. OHSHIT. Now I have to skip two words. And guess what. The last few lines of the passage had chou3 lou4 AGAIN -.-
So my oral pretty expectedly sucked. Considering that there was this awkward silence after everytime I read chou3. Hahah. And it happened 3 times.
Damn lah I'm so unluckyy.
Don't give up, you're not thinking
Don't give up, just keep seeking
And I, I am for you
And I, I will love you
And I, I am for you
And I, I will save you
- Waking Ashland