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Friday, June 29, 2007

Okay. I'm feeling uber racist today.
(Must be the influence of A_ _ _ _ _ L _ _!)
Ohmygosh I just realised that h_ _ name matches my name exactly!

Anyway. Today at training. We were talking bout this song by Good charlotte.
The title was 'All Black'. (HAHAH)

Then they (not me!) kept on saying that I_ _ _ _ _'s life was ALL BLACK.
And they were editing the lyrics to the song to match h_ _.
Damn funny (:

Then at the pool deck I_ _ _ _ _ was asking when we were going.
We were going on the black top.
Then A_ _ _ _ _ L _ _ was like, on the I_ _ _ _ _ top!

Man, what's up with racism these days.

Everything's mutual. Why can't we be together. Unless you're LIEing.



A penny for your thoughts
But a dollar for your insights

Or, a fortune for your disaster